Friday, September 12, 2008

A Simple Hello To All...

Hi Friends,

I always wondered about, and always wanted myself to actively be a part of the BLOG world.

I had also tried to start one two years back, but didn't continued though.

Now I'm Impressed and Inspired By Mr. Amitabh Bachchan and Starting my very own BLOG.

I have been reading many blogs relating to Information Technology and personal Inputs by many Fellows, I also had Subscribed on Aamir Kahn's Blog, but never active there as well like my own in the past.

When I Heard of Mr. Bachchanji's blog, it took me three week's to log in to it after the Mega launch of AB's blog. One night I was just surfing on the net reading some IT topic on one blog of course, and a thought came in to my mind to visit the Big B’s Blog, and with no more further delay I googled for the Blog and soon directed to the Mega Land to sit besides the Great Personality and to talk and share my feelings with him, whom I honor like my Parents, Who teaches me the value of life.

Now again, I have started a blog; I wish this time, I will continue and be with you until my last Posting on the web, before my final breath.

Thank you for having patience reading this all and showing interest.

With love n’ Care,

Dinesh Saroj


Unknown said...

Good job man. Keep it up. For accessing this blog, what will be the link?

Unknown said...

Good :)

Anonymous said...

I m Impressed Dinesh. Ur efforts are appreciated. God bless u. Be happy. Please also come to play cricket with us. Harish Pai

Anonymous said...

i was unable to save my name, so selected anonymous, Harish Pai

Dinesh Saroj said...

Thank you Harish, your support is always required....

Dear, I have shortage of time to be able to come to play the cricket with you all, I'm missing that moment and only I can understand that. Also I have certain Rules in my life, inherited in me by my parents and if those rules are not meeting somewhere, somehow, then I simply quit from that, and that is the true reason why I'm not coming to ply the cricket with you all...
I regret for this, but Can't help it.