I recieved a mail with full of questions, it's speedily circulating on the internet....and here are My humble response for those..... if you agree with me start circulating these response, or some how disagree please provide me with your valuable comments.
Yes Dear,
I agree with your points, don't feel otherwise though, below is absolutely neutral response to your mail.
Q-1. So far 8 PMs (Nehru, LB Shastri, Indira Gandhi, Charan Singh, Rajiv
Gandhi, VP Singh, Chandra Shekhar, AB Vajpayee) have all come from UP.
WHY they could not develop it since independence?
>Re: The Prime minister work for the Nation "India" and not for the states they belong to, PM can only allot the resources and quotas for the states and then it is the duty and responsibility of the states CM and ministers to look after the development of the states. if a state is making progress the credit for so is to be fully given to the CM of the state..... just like Gujarat and Karnataka.... and at the same time the Credit for the development and advancement of the Country "India" is to be given to the Honorable Prime Minister and the cabinet... you can compare the development of the India since 1947 with that of Pakistan.... so be assured our PM's did well to bring harmony to our Nation "India"....
Q-2. HOW come so called 'communal' CM of Gujarat has been able to achieve
highest rate of growth in the country within a span of 5/6 years but not the
'secular' CMs of UP/Bihar who ruled for more than 15/16 years?
>Re. if you remember the Earth Quake of the Bhuj and Kutchchh, most of the money came from the world bank for the re-development of the states affected by the calamity; a lot of NRI's belong to the state also contributed in surplus for the re-development. Also it's the wrong policy of the Maharashtra state government that majority of the power loom and other Industries boycott Mumbai and other MICD's of the state and moved out to Gujarat and some other states, this move blocked the industrial development of the Maharashtra State... for once the communal parties had also been in the ruling for 5 years in Maharashtra states, why didn't they did what is done in Gujarat by so called communal CM??????
Q-3. UP/Bihar are amongst richest states in terms of natural resources.
WHY then TATAs, BIRLAs or any other industrialists not keen on setting up
large industries there, even though labour is also cheaply available ?
>Re: UP/Bihar are among major agricultural states and a majority of agricultural products are being produced there only. but of course, they need to be more open towards the industrialisation which they are not.... the major coal and steel mining is done in the Bihar and Jharkhand .... and the TATA Nagar belong to TATA's.
Q-4. Amar Singh of Samajwadi Party always accompanies top celebrities /
industrialists, prominent being Anil Ambani.
WHY he could not convince them to invest in his state? Only Anil Ambani is
investing something...but that's because he's promised free land.
Gupta, Jha, Singh, Pandey, Sinha, Shrivastav, Sharma, Verma, ... ) come from
WHY then these states still remain backward? Why they want to settle down
in Maharashtra ? Because they and their Netas dont want to uplift their
backward states so as to rule indiscriminately.
Q-6. Bihar CM Nitish Kumar claims that North Indians contributed to the
Development of Mumbai.
WHY they do not contribute for their own state's development?
Why are Patna / Dhanbad the shabbiest cities in the world? (Mumbai may join
them soon).
Q-7. Thirty Six (36) North Indians were burnt alive in Assam .
WHERE were Sanjay Nirupam, Abu, Mulayam, Amar, Laloo, Maya, Jaya, Amitabh,
Shatrugun and Nitish Kumar at that time? So called son of soil of UP,
Bihar , MP States.
Q-8. Bihar had maximum number of railway ministers.
WHY then their recruitment is done from Assam , Gujarat and Mumbai?
Q-9. Its a fact that where there's money/opportunity, people from different
geo/demography rush-in to make fortunes. Mumbai is one such city.Gujratis,
Marwaris, South Indians, Bengalis, Punjabis, Sindhis flocked to Mumbai for
obvious reasons. Majority of these communities got into skilled,
professional, business areas and prospered, contributing to Mumbai's
Unskilled/unlawfull cheap labour such as illegal hawking by occupying every
nook & corner of every footpath, station areas as
without licenses. They bribe local authorities and make life of common
people miserable due to congestions and rubbish. They are ruining the tax
payer's money. Of course not to mention about illegal slums. It is absurd to
say that they contributed to Mumbai's development. If anything, they are
retarding/deteriorating Mumbai.
I completely agree that it is not right to acquire any place by illegal means to do business, but be realistic in this as well, there are not only people from UP/Bihar but also locals who does hawking illegally don't be blind on them. what is illegal, is illegal for all, don't be biased. But where are the officials, Municipal Inspectors and politicians?????? What are they doing to impose the law on those illegally setting the business around every possible corner in the city.... most of time they take hafta (Bribe) from these hawkers and let them to work... this is ridicules, but true...... the damn politicians and the bureaucrats.....
CAN our great leaders dare say that Middle-east countries especially Dubai :City
got developed due to laborers from India ?
>RE: Off course, Labour's also pay great contributions in any development, India is supplying large amount of Labour to the world and it is supported and recognised by all them as well. Please Remember the contributions of the Indian's in the NASA Research and top IT sectors. There are top NRI business personnel’s in the US and are recognised and supported by them. Yes, we can proudly take the credits of this.
12% scientists in USA are INDIANS...
36% of NASA scientist are INDIANS...
34% og Microsoft employees are INDIANS....
17% of INTEL employees are INDIANS...
28% of IBM emlpoyees are INDIANS...
We INDIANS are great!!!!
Be proud to be an Indian...
Q-10. Its not sons-of-soil v/s north-Indians.
If you want to progress India , then every state in India should be
progressed and not only Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka.
Very much True.....
We are the citizen of Republic of India and all the States and Metropolitan cities are the integral part of the India. we had been reading the verses of pledge for the country and her people since childhood, but never tried to feel the same in realistic... Why???
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