Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Communication Skills in 8 easy step


Hey friends here are communication skills in 8 easy steps.

These video tutorials are a great tool to improve communication as well as interpersonal skills.

Watch it and practice it to improve also help others to improve. It will be great if you will practise these techniques in group of at least two or better among more...

Wherever we go and we find it very common that in one or other situation we have to communicate with a group of people or have to interact with person to person, communicating with peoples demands us lots of energy and skills which somehow is seen lacking with most of people, large with students and freshers. And it can be overcome by self realisation and interpersonal skills. Remember Nothing is imposible in this world! As Immposible it self states that "Im Possible"

Yes… communication, communication, communication. Every Marketing/Product or People’s Manager will tell you that this is the key to success and who am I to tell you otherwise! It is true! The way you communicate helps other people to form an opinion about you, about your ideas or about a product that you want to sell or buy. It doesn’t matter much if you have great ideas and you can’t transmit them in a effective way. Communication is a two-way process (speaking and listening) and you can’t be an effective communicator if you don’t master both. I came across a website that gives you some tips about communication strategies. Here are my own:

  • Start by always mention the points in common and accept different opinions by others
  • Nonverbal communication. What you do and how you do it is as important as your words.
  • Transmit something that others can find useful. Find what they need and work on it!
  • Be confident when you speak, being thoughtful but not emotional
  • Keep different opinions out of the personal level. “Attack” divergent opinions, not the one that represents it
  • Have a logical and organized presentation and avoid mixing concepts or ideas. Try to be clear and effective

Comunication Skills

“Remember the five “C’s” of communication – Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Concreteness and Correctness.”

This is, in my opinion, one of the best skills a person can have and I have to be honest, “easier said than done”. This is my own personal battle and an ongoing area for development.

Pasted from: João Rufino’s Blog

Video Source: Yes For Shatheesh

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